Lake Nojiri Maps

Lake Nojiri Maps

Look for Lake Nojiri Maps in English? Below is a selection of interactive and printable Nojiriko maps including restaurants in Lake Nojiri and surrounds, local activities, various accommodation options, etc.

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Lake Nojiri Maps

Lake Nojiri Google Map

This is the most comprehensive map of the Lake Nojiri area. It includes accommodation, activities, restaurants, etc.

Lake Nojiri Maps: Accommodation

Enter your dates to see availability and location. Zoom to expand the search area.

Head to our Lake Nojiri Accommodation page for more options.

Lake Nojiri Maps: Access

Head to our Lake Nojiri Access page for more info on getting here.

Lake Nojiri Tourist Maps

Head to our Lake Nojiri Activities page for more info on things to do here.

Click here for a list of local restaurants and reviews.

Lake Nojiri Map Surroundings
Map courtesy of JNTO. For a boat cruise map of Lake Nojiri see our 'Activities' page.